Creative Arts & Design - Curriculum Guide

You may have selected this pathway because you are interested in experiencing new identities and ways of thinking and using media, sound, language, or objects to express your understanding of the world. You enjoy exhaustive brainstorming and experimentation, You can be in the moment to produce works of art, video, or music. You enjoy performance, and/or are interested in design in its various forms.
Courses and timing are subject to change depending on student interests. Based on initial placement in pre-requisite and general education courses, some majors may take more than years to complete. Please contact your academic advisor for more information.
For students exploring majors within the School of Architecture & Design or the School of Music, an extended graduation timeline will likely be required. Please contact an academic advisor for more information about admission requirements and sequencing.
Curriculum Suggestions
First Semester (15-16 credits) | Second Semester (16-17 credits) |
GE 2.1.1/ENG - ENGL 101 – 3 credits | GE 2.1.2/ENG - ENGL 102 – 3 credits |
GE3S/SBS - Social Science – 3 credits | GE 1.2/MTS - based on math placement – 3 credits |
GE 3H/AH - Arts & Humanities – 3 credits | Exploratory Course – 3 credits |
First Year course – 2-3 credits | GE 3N/NPS - Natural Phys Sci – 4-5 credits |
Exploratory Course – 3-4 credits | AE 4.1/USC - US Culture – 3 credits |
Third Semester (17 credits) | Fourth Semester (17 credits) |
Additional Math (if needed) – 3 credits | Additional Core Class – 3 credits |
Exploratory Course – 3 credits | Second Level Language Course – 5 credits |
GE 2.2/CMS - COMS 130– 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
First Level Language Course – 5 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
AE 4.2/GLB - Global Culture – 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Exploratory Courses
ADS 320 - Hallmark Symposium 1 cr.
AMS 100 - Introduction to American Studies [AE 4.1, USC] 3 cr.
ARCH 103 - Introduction to Architecture 3 cr.
ART 101 - Drawing [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
ART 105 - Visual Art Seminar 1 cr.
ART 120 - Fundamentals of Painting 3 cr.
ART 121 - Fundamentals of Printmaking 3 cr.
ART 122 - Fundamentals of Sculpture [AH] 3 cr.
ART 123 - Fundamentals of Expanded Media [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
ART 131 - Fundamentals of Ceramics 3 cr.
ART 132 - Fundamentals of Metalsmithing & Jewelry [GE 3H, AH]
ART 133 - Fundamentals of Fibers [GE 3H, AH]
DANC 100 - Introduction to the Dance Major 1 cr.
DANC 101 - Ballet I 2 cr.
DANC 105 - Jazz 2 cr.
FMS 100 - Introduction to Film and Media [GE 1.1] 3 cr.
FMS 200 - Film and Media Aesthetics [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
FMS 380 - American Popular Culture [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HA 100 - Introduction to Western Art History [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HA 150 - History of Western Art: Ancient through Medieval Times [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HA 151 - History of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HA 166 - Visual Arts of East Asia [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr.
JMC 260 - Agency: Introduction 3 cr.
MUSC 136 - Masterworks of Music [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
MUSC 302 - The Broadway Musical [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
MUSC 309 - History of Rock and Roll [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
PHTO 101 - Fundamentals of Photography [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
PHTO 200- Foundations in Photography 3 cr.
PHTO 210 - Understanding Photographs 3 cr.
PIAN 111 - Elementary Keyboard Musicianship 2 cr.
SLAV 230 - Vampires in Literature, Film, and Television [AE 5.1, AH] 3 cr.
THR 100 - Introduction to the Theatre [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
THR 106 - Acting I [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
THR 111 - Makeup 1 cr.
THR 120 - Public Speaking as Performance [GE 2.2] 3 cr.
THR 215 - Approaching Design [GE3H] 3 cr.
THR 216 - Scenic Production 2 cr.
THR 220 - Costume Production 2 cr.
THR 224 - Lighting Production 2 cr.
Various instrumental and vocal opportunities available by audition.