Ways to Explore

Looking to Explore Majors and Careers?
To help narrow your course options, we have created curriculum guides specific to your Pathway; to see these, use the side menu to see a Pathway’s curriculum guide. These have been built from suggestions directly from KU academic departments, advisors and students. Exploratory courses are available both in fall and spring semesters.
Ways to Explore
You cannot truly know if you enjoy something until you try it! We want you to engage in coursework starting in your first semester that will provide direct experience in your academic area(s) of interest.
- PathwayU: career quiz focused on majors that align with your interests, personality, values, and workplace preferences.
By the end of your first year, you and your advisor will also have developed a major shortlist. We will help you continue to narrow this or find ways to accomplish everything you want to achieve! After all, KU has a lot of majors, minors, certificates, and experiences that you can combine in infinite ways.
Beyond your classes, we will ask you to really begin engaging with the KU campus on a deeper level. For example, go to professors’ office hours. Join student clubs and organizations. We want you to be confident as you build your network.
- The University Career Center provides several resources to help you. See the University Career Center to explore by careers, interest areas, and majors.
- If you find something that you want to further consider, schedule to meet with a career coach at the University Career Center about your options.
- Attend Pathway themed events throughout the year to guide both your career and major planning process
- Your JAA advisor can also help build off what you have learned from your University Career Center Career Coach. If you develop an Action Plan with your coach, we would love to see it! Feel free to bring any Career Center resources to your academic advising meetings.
The free KU Mentoring program operated through the KU Alumni Association pairs you with KU alumni who will serve as a mentor and answer questions to help you with your professional and career development. This is a great way to build your network and explore major and career possibilities.
Visit Rock Chalk Central where you can discover unique opportunities at KU.
As your credit hours build, more opportunities arise! These often appear as on-campus jobs, leadership positions, and internships. You don't have to know your major to take advantage of these experiences. You will also find that as you continue to take more courses and move up in level, the number of students in your classes often decreases. This leads to more intentional connections with your fellow Jayhawks. Finding peers that have differing experiences and interests is also a valuable way to explore! Your advisor can help you find what is best for you along the way