Health & Behavioral Sciences - Curriculum Guide

You may have selected this pathway because you are interested in understanding how humans grow and develop, feel a strong desire to help and heal, seek to build healthy relationships and serve others, and/or want to implement strategies that promote individual and group wellness.
Courses and timing are subject to change depending on student interests. Based on initial placement in pre-requisite and general education courses, some majors may take more than four years to complete. Please contact your academic advisor for more information.
Curriculum Suggestions
First Semester (16-17 credits) | Second Semester (16-17 credits) |
GE 2.1.1/ENG - ENGL 101– 3 credits | GE 2.1.2/ENG - ENGL 102 – 3 credits |
GE 1.2/MTS - based on math placement – 3 credits | Exploratory Course – 3 credits |
GE 3H/AH - Arts & Humanities – 3 credits | GE 2S/SBS - Social Science – 3 credits |
GE 3N/NPS - Natural Phys Sci – 4-5 credits | Additional Natural Science – 4-5 credits |
First Year Course – 2-3 credits | Additional Math (if needed) – 3 credits |
Third Semester (16-17 credits) | Fourth Semester (16-17 credits) |
AE 4.1/USC - US Culture– 3 credits | AE 4.2/GLBC - Global Culture – 3 credits |
GE 2.2/CMS - Oral Communication – 3 credits | Additional Natural Science – 4-5 credits |
Exploratory Course – 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Additional Math (if needed) – 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Additional Natural Science – 4-5 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Exploratory Courses
AAAS 203/GEOG 201/GIST 210 - Culture and Health [AE 4.2] 3 cr.
ABSC 100 - Introduction to Applied Behavioral Science [GE 3S, SBS] 3 cr.
ABSC 150 - Community Leadership [AE 5.1, SBS] 3 cr.
ABSC 160 - Introduction to Child Behavior and Development [GE 3S, SBS] 3
AMS 110 - American Identities [AE 4.1, SBS] 3 cr.
AMS 260 - America’s Latinos/Latinas [AE 4.1, USC] 3 cr.
ANTH 150 - Becoming Human [GE 3S, SBS] 3 cr.
BIOL 100 - Principles of Biology [GE 3N, NPS] 3 cr.
BIOL 150 - Molecular & Cellular Biology [GE 3N, NPS] 4 cr.
BIOL 210 - Intro to Clinical Lab Sciences 1 cr.
CHEM 130 - General Chemistry [GE 3N, NPS] 5 cr
CRIM 300 - Intro to Criminal Justice [SBS] 3 cr.
EPSY 310 - Career & Life Planning 3 cr.
HEIM 210 - Introduction to Healthcare 1 cr.
HEIM 230 - Medical Terminology 3 cr.
HSES 244 - Introduction to Physical Education & Sport Studies[GE 3H] 3cr.
HSES 260 - Personal and Community Health 3 cr.
HSES 269 - Introduction to Exercise Science 3 cr.
HSES 299 - Careers in Sport Management 3 cr.
HSES 330 - Principles of Nutrition and Health 3 cr.
JMC 315 - Health and Science Communication 3 cr.
PHAR 101 - Intro to Medications in Healthcare 1 cr.
PSYC 104 - General Psychology [GE 3S, SBS] 3 cr.
SOC 104 - Elements of Sociology [AE 4.1, SBS] 3 cr.
SOC 150 - Self & Society [AE 5.1, SBS] 3 cr.
SOC 160 - Social Problems & American Values [AE 5.1, SBS] 3 cr.
SOC 220 - Sociology of Families [AE 4.1] 3cr.
WGSS 101 - Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies [AE 4.1, SBS] 3 cr.