Languages & Cultures - Curriculum Guide

You may have selected this pathway because you are interested learning about people and cultures; would like to strengthen your writing, reading, and communication skills; broaden your understanding of beliefs, art, and literature; and/or would like to better understand our complex and diverse global society.
Courses and timing are subject to change depending on student interests. Based on initial placement in pre-requisite and general education courses, some majors may take more than four years to complete. Please contact your academic advisor for more information.
If you have previous knowledge in a language, it is possible to place into a higher level course within that language department. Placement based on testing that varies by language department. Please contact your advisor or the language department for more information.
Curriculum Suggestions
First Semester (16-17 credits) | Second Semester (17 credits) |
GE 2.1.1/ ENG- ENGL 101 – 3 credits | GE 2.1.1/ENG - ENGL 102 – 3 credits |
GE 1.2/MTS - based on math placement – 3 credits | GE 1.2/MTS - based on math placement – 3 credits |
GE 3S/SBS - Social Science – 3 credits | GE3S/SBS - Social Science – 3 credits |
First Year Course – 2-3 credits | Second Level Language Course – 5 credits |
First Level Language Course – 5 credits | AE 4.1/USC - US Culture – 3 credits |
Third Semester (16-17 credits) | Fourth Semester (15 credits) |
Additional Math (if needed) – 3 credits | AE 4.2/GLBC - Global Culture – 3 credits |
GE 3/NPS - Natural Phys Sci – 3-5 credits | Fourth Level Language Course – 3 credits |
GE 2.2/CMS - COMS 130 – 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Third Level Language Course – 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Major Specific Course – 3 credits | Major Specific Course – 3 credits |
Exploratory Courses
AAAS 102 - Arabic & Islamic Studies [GE 3H, SBS] 3 cr.
AAAS 104 - Intro to African-American Studies [AE 4.1, SBS] 3 cr.
AAAS 105/HIST 104 - Intro to African History [GE 1.1, GLBC] 3 cr.
AAAS 106/HIST 109 - The Black Experience in the Americas [AE 4.1, USC] 3 cr.
AAAS 203/GEOG 201/GIST 210 - Culture and Health [AE 4.2] 3 cr.
AAAS/HIST 160 - Intro to West African History [AE 4.2] 3 cr.
AMS 100 - Introduction to American Studies [AE 4.1, USC] 3 cr.
AMS 110 - American Identities [AE 4.1, SBS] 3 cr.
ANTH 100 - General Anthropology [GE 3S, SBS] 3 cr.
ANTH 150 - Becoming Human [GE 3S, SBS] 3 cr.
ANTH 160 - Varieties of Human Experience [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr..
ANTH 293/EALC/REL 130 - Myth, Legend & Folk Beliefs of Eastern Asia [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr
ANTH/LING 106 —Introductory Linguistics [AE 4.2] 3 cr.
CLSX 148 - Greek and Roman Mythology [GE 1.1, GLBC] 3 cr.
CLSX 151 - Intro to Classical Archeology [GE 1.1, AH] 3 cr.
CLSX 168 - Ancient Epic Tales [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr.
CLSX/HIST 105 - Introduction to Ancient Near East & Greek History [GE 3H] 3 cr.
ECIV 104 - Eastern Civilizations [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr.
ENGL 203 - Topics in Reading & Writing [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
ENGL 210 - Introduction to Poetry [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
EPSY 310 - Career & Life Planning 3 cr.
GEOG 100 - World Regional Geography [AE 4.2, SBS] 3 cr.
GEOG 102 - People, Place, and Society [AE 4.2, SBS] 3 cr.
GIST 220 - Intro to Global & International Studies [GE 1.1, GLBC] 3 cr.
HA 100 - Introduction to Western Art History [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HA 150 - History of Western Art: Ancient through Medieval [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HA 166 - The Visual Arts of East Asia [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr.
HIST 106 - Intro to Roman History [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HIST 121 - Modern Latin America [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
HIST 124/LAA 100 - Latin American Culture & Society [AE 4.2] 3 cr.
HUM 110 - Introduction to Humanities [GE 2.1, AH] 3 cr.
JWSH/REL 124 - Understanding the Bible [GE 3H] 3 cr.
LING 110 - Language and Mind [AE 4.1, USC] 3 cr.
PCS 120 - Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies [GE 1.1, AH] 3 cr.
PHIL 140 - Introduction to Philosophy [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
PHIL 148 - Reason and Argument [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
PHIL 160 - Introduction to Ethics [AE 5.1, AH] 3 cr.
REL 104 - Introduction to Religious Studies [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
SLAV 140 - Introduction to Russian Culture [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr.
SLAV 148 - Intro to Slavic Folklore [GE 3H, AH] 3 cr.
SOC 130 - Comparative Societies [AE 4.2, GLBC] 3 cr.
**Learning a Language is a great way to learn about different cultures, you can find a list of languages that KU teaches at